C.L. Cannon’s Fantasy/Sci-Fi/ YA Giveaway
Enter for your chance to win a Kindle Fire, a $50 Amazon gift card, or an ebook library with 25+ books!
Enter for your chance to win a Kindle Fire, a $50 Amazon gift card, or an ebook library with 25+ books!
Enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win an Amazon Echo, two signed paperbacks from the Queen of Thieves series, and other e-book prizes! Don’t forget to share! There are several entries that can be performed every day! Be sure to join Andy Peloquin and his Fantasy Fiends on release day at the Milestone Celebration…
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YA Scavenger Hunt – Map Location #92 Welcome to my website! My name is C.L. Cannon, and I write Paranormal Fantasy. My first book Forget Me Not is scheduled to be released July 31st, 2017. Life is about choices. Every choice sets us down dividing paths. With past and purpose all but forgotten, Bree Nolan…
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In June, the Alliance of Young Adult Authors is sponsoring a massive young adult scavenger hunt. This is a chance to meet some new authors, grab a bunch of free books, and sign up to win a whole bunch of epic prizes! RULES Each author will be given a special keyword, which will be bolded…
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Join the Spring Super Subs Sweepstakes! Every newsletter you subscribe to gets you one entry toward the three prizes. PRIZES Grand Prize Winner will receive a $100 Amazon gift card. First Runner-up will receive a 6″ Kindle Fire in their choice of color. (or a GC for the same amount if outside the US)…
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