
My Review of Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare

Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare My rating: 5 of 5 stars My heart. My heart has been ripped from my chest. Every Cassandra Clare book gut-punches me in the feels, but I think this one has to be one of the most heartbreaking. I haven’t felt sorrow like this since the Will and Jem…
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My Review of Grave Things by Lindsay Mead

Grave Things by Lindsay Mead My rating: 4 of 5 stars I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the characters in this book. They became like dear friends by the end. The pacing of this story is one thing I found a bit off. It would be very fast paced then slow to a…
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Free Reads 06/11/2018!

These books are free on Amazon currently. Some are permafree and some are free for a limited time. The selected titles are all Fantasy, YA, or Sci-fi related! Please remember if you download a book to review it for the author after you read. Reviews mean so much to us! Happy reading! [amazonjs asin=”B07D27YNMS” locale=”US”…
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C.L. Cannon’s June BookBub Giveaway!

Follow some amazing authors on BookBub and be entered to win a $350 Amazon gift card! C.L. Cannon’s June BookBub Giveaway

C.L. Cannon’s Social Media Book Fair

Welcome to my social media book fair! We’ll be giving away 5 paperback books in 6 genres just for following and/or liking indie authors in your favorite genres! Please enter under the images below for a chance at winning all 5 books in each genre! You may enter under as many or as few genres…
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My Review of Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson My rating: 5 of 5 stars What an imaginative and captivating retelling of Peter Pan! Tiger Lily is told from the perspective of Tinkerbell as she observes the courtship of Peter and Tiger Lily. I love that we were able to grasp the thoughts of other characters through Tinkerbell.…
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Bloodlines Cover Reveal!

The day is finally here! I am so pleased to reveal the cover for my new series starter Bloodlines: A Forget Me Not Origin Story.   The Illustrator is Kasia Krzysztofowicz and she is brilliant! She’s also the artist responsible for the cover of Forget Me Not! I can’t wait to reveal that one in…
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Free Reads 5/04/2018

These books are free on Amazon currently. Some are permafree and some are free for a limited time. The selected titles are all Fantasy, YA, or Sci-fi related! Please remember if you download a book to review it for the author after you read. Reviews mean so much to us! Happy reading! [amazonjs asin=”B016SF6ZJA” locale=”US”…
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C.L. Cannon’s May BookBub Giveaway!

Follow some amazing authors on BookBub and be entered to win a $350 Amazon gift card! C.L. Cannon’s May BookBub Giveaway

Free Reads 3/27/2018!

These books are free on Amazon currently. Some are permafree and some are free for a limited time. The selected titles are all Fantasy, YA, or Sci-fi related! Please remember if you download a book to review it for the author after you read. Reviews mean so much to us! Happy reading! [amazonjs asin=”B06XWCGYLK” locale=”US”…
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